Laboratory rooms of the Department of Computer Science are located in the complex of rooms L.28-34. They include 4 rooms (A, B, C, D), each of them with 15 computer stations. All units are connected to the Internet. Rooms C and D allow to work in Hyper-V and VirtualBox virtual machine environments.
Laboratory rooms
Used software
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Word
- Microsoft Visio
- Microsoft Access
- Microsoft Project
- Microsoft Matchematics
- Microsoft SQL Server
- Enterprise Dynamics
- Matlab
- Borland Delphi
- Tanagra
- Joomla!
- Eclipse
- Damn Small Linux
- Notepad++
- Axure RP
- Enterprise Architect
- Adonis Community Edition
- Aitech SPHINX
- Aitech DSS
- Statistica Neural Networks
- SharePoint Server
- SharePoint Designer
- NodeXL Basic
- Knime
- Pajek
- Środowisko maszyn wirtualnych Hyper -V
- Środowisko maszyn wirtualnych Virtual Box Oracle
- TrueCrypt
- VeraCrypt
- ISOF Heuthes
- Emapa Transport+
- NaviFleet
- Monitoring-GPS PetSoft
- Minitab